I am deeply honored to welcome you to Biblical University and I would be so delighted if you could join us, a choice you will never regret!

I am deeply honored to welcome you to Biblical University and I would be so delighted if you could join us, a choice you will never regret! I invite you to imagine yourself as a part of our family while navigating our site. By God's grace, I commit to do everything in my power to ensure that you are successful and that your experience at BU is one of great value. Over the years, BU has trained people from the countries of the world to support and fulfill their God-given dreams. As the Chancellor of Biblical University, I am humbled and awed to see how God has used our ministry in the lives of our students, and how they have gone on to impact others across the globe.

With a rigorous academic programme, well-qualified academics who are also practitioners in the local church, and a dynamic and vibrant student community, BU is well- positioned to meet the needs of men and women who are looking for quality training to support the call of God in their lives.

Interested in joining us? Apply Now www.apply.biblicaluniversity.org.ng

Take your first step in your journey with BU today.

I look forward to you joining us at the world’s leading ministry-based training college.

Prof. Emmanuel Kolawole, PhD
Founder and Chancellor


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