Announcing the launch of our newly redesigned website.

It's finally here! Announcing the launch of our newly redesigned website.

We've redesigned our website with you in mind!

As a global University, we are pleased to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website which coincides with our Independence Day Anniversary, October 1, 2022.

After several months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch of Biblical University redesigned website.

Our goal with this redesigned website is to provide our students with an easier way to learn about Biblical University's services and solutions.

The redesigned website includes changes to navigation. We’ve also improved the structure of our content, so you’ll get more from a quick read. We have added new sections to our homepage. Our current and prospective students will find useful information about us on the homepage of our website.

You can also find in the home page "Apply Today". So wherever you are, you can still join us by just a simple click on the relevant link.

In the home page, you can also find a section which can explain clearly our unique vision and what differentiate us from other educational institutions.

There’s a whole host of impactful changes, all to make your experience of the Biblical University website that much better for you. 

It is now LIVE and located at the same web address

We’re really proud of the newly redesigned website and feel it will create the experience you’re looking for when you pay us a visit.

We would also like to thank our amazing staff, Team BU and volunteers across the globe and those who donated their time and energy to make this site what it is. We thank all our supporters and financiers for being part of this project. May the Lord bless you all, amen!

Your feedback is very important to us as we strive to develop a website that is valuable to you. Please send any questions, comments, and concerns to You can also add your comments below.

Happy independence day! Nigeria will be great again!

We love you

Biblical University
#BiblicalUniversity #GoBUBeGreatServe #BUTodayNewsandEvents

Thank you for choosing Biblical University to pursue your educational goals!

Thank you for choosing Biblical University to pursue your educational goals! To get started with the enrollment process, please follow the link below.

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Refer to the "Admissions Information"

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Remember, deadlines are important so follow on our social media channels to stay on track.

Need More Information?
Check out the FAQ page or call the Admissions Office at +2347063751540

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Before You Post on Social Media …

Before You Post on Social Media …

What we say on the Internet says a lot about us. Do our social media messages reflect things God likes—or things He hates?

The Internet has carried the torch for instant gratification. With one click of a button, we can buy the latest video game, download the hottest album or purchase a stylish new pair of shoes.

We can have whatever we like!

And, even faster than buying a product online, we can also share our personal opinions in an instant. Social media users share images and articles that reveal opinions about politics, marriage, dating, raising children and many other facets of life. Social media can be a good way to have a laugh, encourage others or discuss current issues. However, many times posts can be distasteful and mean-spirited.

As Christians, we should be careful and thoughtful in posting and liking articles and memes. It says something about you!
Psychologist Michal Kosinski’s research has shown that your “likes” on Facebook can tell what kind of person you are. Kosinski argues that “likes” give Facebook a picture of who you really are.

Commenting about the study, Sam Gosling, a psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin, says, “You ‘Like’ something. You leave a comment on somebody’s wall. They are now recorded in a way that machines can calibrate and measure them with great accuracy. Together, they add up to substantially more information from which you can make quite reasonably accurate predictions.”

Facebook spokesman Fred Wolens agrees. “No matter the vehicle for information—a bumper sticker, yard sign, logos on clothing, or other data found online—it has already been proven that it is possible for social scientists to draw conclusions about personal attributes based on these characteristics.”

What does God like?

When deciding what kind of article or meme to like or share, what better question for a Christian to ask than “What does God like?” In the Bible, you won’t find any dos and don’ts for using social media. However, there are some principles we can use to make wise choices when sharing or liking stories.

Let’s take a look at what God is in favor of.

God “likes” righteousness (right ways)

If God were a Facebook user, would He approve of the article you just posted? Would He and Jesus Christ “like” the same meme you just liked?

King David gave us a look into what God likes: “For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield” (Psalm 5:12). Jesus Christ also pointed out the importance of righteousness to God (Matthew 5:625:46).

Have you ever stopped and considered what righteousness means? It sounds like a fancy theological word. But, if God blesses the righteous, wouldn’t we want to strive for that blessing?

The Bible tells us what righteousness is: “My tongue shall speak of Your word, for all Your commandments are righteousness” (Psalm 119:172). Since God’s commandments are righteousness, it is obvious that Christians should follow and support His instructions. Furthermore, if we, like Abraham, faithfully do as God commands, our actions will also be accounted for righteousness (James 2:21-23).

Clearly, it is not only about thinking what is right—it’s also about doing what is right. In other words, righteousness is the application of right ways.

Putting this into the context of our activity on social media, what we like and share as Christians should coincide with these right ways defined by God. Please read the article “Armor of God: Breastplate of Righteousness” for a more detailed study of righteousness.

What God does not like

Hate is a strong word. Some people would even be surprised that a loving God could hate anything, but the Bible tells us He does. The Hebrew word translated hate is sane, and it implies having an enemy.

God loves for us to be striving for righteousness in our lives. God loves to see human beings who show respect and love for one another.Below are behaviors that God opposes. Obviously God hates all sin and evil. But here are some scriptures that give us a clearer picture of some of the things that need to be removed from our conduct so God can “like” us.


Pride has been around for a long time in the history of mankind. Cain’s jealousy of Abel’s offering was a major factor in the first murder. From then on, pride came in many shapes and forms—and it still exists!

As Christians, we must be active in stomping out pride in our lives—including our social media. Almost unknowingly, people can get involved in heated debates because of a post, a meme or an article. Have you ever been in this situation? Remember that angry feeling you had while typing frantically, hitting the “Enter” key and sending off your point of view? What was that “puffed up” feeling you felt?

Jesus Christ got to the heart of the matter: “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man” (Mark 7:21-23, emphasis added).

Quite possibly, what you may have felt was pride. Posting or liking anything on social media that degrades another human being or makes you feel more intelligent than others is prideful. Don’t be fooled. Pride is not a good quality. As Christians, we should steer clear of these destructive attitudes.

A perverse mouth

Scrolling through Facebook or other types of social media can be like navigating through a minefield. For many, cursing is just a means of communicating, and it’s hard not to notice. Those of us striving to live God’s way of life must clean up the words that we say or write.
The wise King Solomon wrote, “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate” (Proverbs 8:13). Though we may know we personally should not curse and use profanity, we may think that does not apply to what we like and share on social media. Is this true?

James, Jesus’ half-brother, wrote about the human tongue, saying, “It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so” (James 3:8-10).

As an extension of our tongue, what we type should reflect our words in face-to-face godly conversations. We should think twice before sharing and liking something that reflects perversity or profanity of any kind.


God commands us not to lie (Exodus 20:16). He even goes so far as to say He hates lying (Proverbs 6:16-17Zechariah 8:17). Again, this is an easily understood commandment. However, all too often a web article or meme is shared in which the information is twisted or blatantly false. For whatever reason, authors of these kinds of posts attract the attention of thousands of uninformed social media users. The result is a lie being spread around the Internet like wildfire.

To protect ourselves from being part of lies and false reports, consider what King Solomon wrote: “He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame to him” (Proverbs 18:13). It can be really embarrassing to share an article that turns out to be hoax or a lie. Inspired by God, Solomon tells us to use wisdom and discernment before jumping to conclusions.

Such articles are usually hearsay and gossip. Throughout the Scriptures, there are warnings about partaking in this kind of activity (Proverbs 16:28Matthew 12:36Ephesians 5:4). Unfortunately, social media gives abundant opportunities for such things.

God does want us to share good stories and enjoy friendships directly and via social media. There are ways to have a better experience online by following godly principles and avoiding the common pitfalls mentioned above. The key is to put God first—even when it comes to social media.

What God loves …

God doesn’t just “like”—He loves. And His love is so much more than we can imagine (John 3:16). God wants us to follow His instructions in every aspect of our lives. God wrote the laws that guide us to happiness (Proverbs 29:18).
God loves for us to be striving for righteousness in our lives (Psalm 11:7). God loves to see human beings who show respect and love for one another (John 13:351 John 4:20-21James 2:8). What better way to show that we love Him than by doing what He instructs us to do (John 14:1515:10)?

A well-known meme (pictured at the beginning of this article) has made its way around social media, and its message is important for Christians to remember:

THINK before you post! Is it:
  • True?
  • Helpful?
  • Inspiring?
  • Necessary?
  • Kind?

We want people to like us. We especially want God to like us. And, if we want God to love us, we should be doing what He “likes.”

Be The Best You Can Be

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole

Master Class in Ministry Leadership Online

The Master Class in Ministry Leadership is designed for pastors and leaders in ministry who are looking for self-paced personal and ministry development in a reflective atmosphere. There are no exams or essays. This allows experienced ministers and leaders to reflect on their own practice and determine actions for personal ministry development.

Bring your ministry to the N E X T Level. Enroll Now

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole

SAVE THE DATE. Join us to celebrate the graduation class of 2022 at Biblical University

SAVE THE DATE. Please join us as we celebrate the class of 2022. The graduation will be taking place at [Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Opp. Sky Club, Eleshin, Ijede Road, Ikorodu, Lagos] Friday 12th August, 2022 at [12PM] followed by a Get Together [BU Alumni & Friends Luncheon] at 1PM

Click for detailed direction to BU Grad and directional images


BU Alumni & Friends Luncheon

The BU Alumni & Friends get together has been rescheduled to hold in the afternoon. Hence the name "BU Alumni & Friends Luncheon"
All Alumni are encouraged to attend the luncheon on Friday, August 12, 2022, at 1:00 to 2:00 PM. We hope you’ll join us as we welcome the Class of 2022 into the ranks of the BU Alumni & Friends, and the traditional legacy photo will be taken.

Our graduating students are looking forward to connecting with other alumni, hearing your advice, college experiences etc. For questions, contact the Alumni President and Global Alumni Ambassador GAA, Pastor Dr. Lateef Adesina Ade, 08030709435


Biblical University


The Chancellor - AMU

Founder and Chancellor - AMU

We'd like to welcome all our new students to the ACHETS Missionary University and we are delighted that you are considering applying too, a choice you will never regret! Interested in joining us? Apply Now

Thank you, and welcome to the ONE BIG FAMILY OF AMUites at ACHETS Missionary University

Prof. Emmanuel Kolawole
Founder and Chancellor
@achetsmissionaryuniversity #achetsmissionaryuniversity


Study at AMU. 100% Online. Get free ebooks for every course. No tuition payment. Get recognized degrees. Low registration fee. Apply now #achetsmissionaryuniversity @achetsmissionaryuniversity

AGM & Leaders Conference 2022

You Are Invited to Our Annual General Meeting and Leaders Conference at the TRIPLE K. EVENT CENTER, Yellow SignBoard, Eleshin, Opp Sky Club, Ijede Road, Ikorodu, LAGOS, Thursday 11th August 2022, 12pm

Guest Speaker:
Pastor Dr. Emmanuel Olatoyinbo, RCCG Provincial Pastor (Lagos Province 29) 

Seat Reservation in advance
If you would like to attend the AGM & Leaders Conference in August, please make your seat reservation by submitting the form

If you have any questions regarding membership or accreditation of Bible colleges, kindly check our FAQ section via

Association for Christian Higher Education and Theological Schools - ACHETS Incorporated,, #ACHETSIncorporated @achetsincorporated

Personal Assistant with driving experience needed

Applicant must be a committed Christian who will always love God and his neighbors as himself.

In addition, do you have the following?
• Ability to work well with others.
• Flexibility and openess to change.
• Patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations.
• Knowledge of English language.
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

Job Type: Full Time

Minimum Qualification Requirements:
# Bible college certification is an added advantage

Email us your CV at

T&C apply

Note: if you are successful you will be contacted for interview.

Earn A Certificate | Master Class in Christian Theology

You don’t have to wait to increase leadership capacity, cultivate your creativity, and broaden your biblical and theological knowledge. Begin your education with an immediate and lasting impact!

It is designed and developed for pastors and ministry leaders who are looking for an affordable way to study, with an advanced biblical and theological ministry development.

Enroll Now! or click link in bio @profemmanuelkolawole


SAVE THE DATE - Biblical University Convocation 2022

We request you to be our guest at the Biblical University Grad ceremony in honor of our graduates. Let us all be together to celebrate them.

Date: 12 Aug. 2022

Time: 12:00pm

Venue: Triple K Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Opp. Sky Club, Eleshin, Ijede road, Ikorodu, Lagos

LIVE broadcast @biblicaluniversity (Instagram)

Replays at Biblical University (YouTube)

Our Honorable Guest of Honor for the day
Dr. Adewale Adeyemi ALADE, Associate Professor, Acting Head of Department, Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Lagos, Nigeria

For information on commencement and details visit

Commencement hotline +2347033128658

Dr. Megbolugbe Peter Femi, Acting Registrar - Biblical University


Mr Fred Williams woke up from his afternoon nap....

Mr Fred Williams woke up from his afternoon nap. He had a strange dream.

He saw himself on his abandoned property. He was looking around seeing how the land was laying waste. “You should give it to people who really need it. It will be counted unto you as righteousness… Your children don’t need it, I will bless them in the foreign land they are, besides you haven’t seen anything yet . What I have in store for their lives is more than what you can imagine. Give this property of yours to the LIGHTHOUSE. They need it!” A man said to him

Fred Williams tried to say something…but the man cut in “Fred! Is there anything too big to give to me? By giving this property to the Lighthouse, you are giving it to me, because through lighthouse I will touch a lot of lives. You become one of those that beautify my feet…”“Beautify your feet?” Fred asked

“Come over here!” The man beckoned on Fred…

Fred went over to him and they sat on one of the windows of the Uncompleted building … “You remember Mary who poured oil on my feet?” “Yes!” “What does oil do to an engine?” “It makes it work better, it makes its operation smooth!” Fred replied

“Good! So what does the feet signify?” “Taking over territories or dominion!” “Good! Can you remember this Scripture “Beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel“ “Yes Sir!”

“Hence, when a person supports a preacher’s ministry with gifts or money, the person is oiling the feet of that minister. He is making that minister do the work of God better, the work of taking over territories for Me…”

“Hmmm… “ Fred said

“Son, Mary oiled my feet and she was the first person to see me after I resurrected… 

Anyone who oils my feet, anyone who supports the gospel with their resources, anyone who breaks their Alabaster box of expensive oil for evangelism or repairing lives, Fred that person will see me appearing First in their situation. I will ensure the person gets the first blessing at all times… The person’s children will be the first among their peers, the person’s business will be the first.” The man said to the attentive Fred.

“Fred will You oil my feet by giving the Lighthouse your property? Beautify the feet of them that preach the gospel…Beautify the Lighthouse with your resources; in this case, your property.”

“Hmm… God, you know I can give you anything you ask of me, but apart from where I live now, this is the only property I have.“ Fred said

“Give it to me, the widow gave her ALL and to me it was worth more than those who gave some out of the plenty they had... Give me the property!”

Fred had woken up from that dream! He had heard about the Lighthouse from his niece, Rosy. Rosy was a difficult youth he had been praying for after his sister; her mother died.

He was surprised to have seen Rosy three months earlier looking clean and sober. He had asked what happened…“Lighthouse!” She had replied“Lighthouse? What’s that? A church?” Fred had asked“ No! A Ministry…More like a group of people who live in a house headed by Some passionate children of God.. More like a shelter!” Rosy had said“Ok!”“A friend invited me over to one of their programs and I got stuck. I have been living there for two months..!”“ Two months and you are like this!”“ Yes! I just wish they had more supporters!”“ Supporters?”“ Yeah! they have this big vision, part of which is having an academy where the kids at the shelter can attend. You know like a real school and I can tell you Uncle, the result will be massive.. It will be an orientation center for future evangelist and reformers.” Rosy had said.

Rosy had said that to him three months ago, After which he started following their social media page to see their works…

Culled from LightHouse Squad by Opeyemi Ojerinde


Honorary PhD Degree Award Day

Who deserves the cap and why? Apply or nominate for one of our Honorary PhD Degrees. #LetsGoBUGrad Another Chance to get your PhD Degree. Open your way to the future with a prestigious PhD. Your "SEASON to be HONORED"

The Honorary Doctorates will be awarded during the Biblical University August graduation ceremonies 2022, to exceptionally distinguished individuals who are leaders in their fields, on a first-come, first-served basis. You can apply or be nominated for an honorary degree from BIBLICAL UNIVERSITY without spending tuition or years in the classroom. Please follow the link for guideline on honorary degree #GoBUBeGreatServe #GreatBUites #BiblicalUniversity  #BUConvocation


Happy birthday sweetie.

Happy birthday sweetie. Today is your day my adorable. I look forward to more amazing moments with you. May the Lord keep and bless you. I love you. Enjoy your day

Pray for the world

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalms 34:18

"Our prayers are with those dealing with unimaginable loss"

#PrayforNigeria #PrayforUkraine #PrayfortheWorld

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole

Special Invitation - ACHETS AGM & Leaders Conference

Special Invitation!
I am honored to invite you not only to attend but participate in the AGM & Leaders Conference in August. Our Guest speaker at ACHETS AGM & Leaders Conference 2022 is Pastor Dr. Emmanuel Olatoyinbo, RCCG Provincial Pastor (Lagos Province 29), and a member of Association for Christian Higher Education and Theological Schools - ACHETS Incorporated. Our event is to be held on Thursday 11th August 12pm to 2pm at the Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Eleshin, Opp. Sky Club, Ijede Road, Ikorodu, Lagos. I am convinced that this will be a blessing to us and all our attendees and delegates across the country.

The theme for the event is "Effective Leaders" and we will be having two sessions. Our goal for this conference is to encourage responsible and strategic leadership. We want to provoke discussion during the event and raise funds and donations for ACHETS.

There will be induction of new members. It is also a good opportunity for non members to be part of us. New members will pay the required fees to join.

If you are interested in registering as individual or corporate member, you can do so on our website 

For new and old members
Download and print out the up-to-date constitution of ACHETS

AGM & Leaders Conference Seat Reservation in advance
If you would like to attend the AGM & Leaders Conference in August, please make your seat reservation by submitting the form

Thank you for taking the time to read our invitation, and I look 
forward to seeing you soon.


Prof. Emmanuel Kolawole
Founder/CEO and Chairman - ACHETS Incorporated #ACHETSIncorporated @achetsincorporated

God is in control

Psalm 10:14
14 But you, God, see the trouble (A) of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; (B) you are the helper (C) of the fatherless.

Just as God saw the plight of the Israelites in Egypt and their cry for help, He still sees and hears today. He not only hears our cry for help, He also feels the agony with us. That is why Jesus came. He is our assurance that God feels, cares, acts and ultimately saves.

Our prayers are with our Christian Brothers and Sisters in the Northern Part of Nigeria, Ukraine, and around the world, who are bearing the incredible weight of agonies and pains. Father, please be with them, comfort, strengthen and give the grace to sustain them in their agonies and griefs, in Jesus name. Amen

Join us as we #PrayforNigeria #PrayforUkraine #PrayfortheWorld

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole

You Can Do It. Trust Jesus!

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole

God has not forgotten you! - Gospel tract

Only Jesus Can Save - Gospel tract

We Are "Friends of God"

We Are "Friends of God"

God Reveals His Truths to Us Because We Are His Friends

Those who believe in Jesus Christ are “friends of God.” Jesus has revealed His truth to us because we are His friends.

On the night Jesus was betrayed, He said the following words to His disciples: 

I no longer call you servants, because a master doesn’t confide in his servants. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. (John 15:15 NLT)

A master, or person in authority, does not confide in those who are his slaves, or his servants. Although believers are servants or slaves of God by obedience to live righteously –

Romans 6:16ff, we are also His friends.

Friends of Jesus love one another, obey His commandments, understand His truths, and are chosen to bear fruit that remains.

So the first step to being called the friend of Jesus is to come to Him as a helpless sinner, and asking Him to save you.


If you’d lIke to begIn a personal relatIonshIp wIth Jesus, please pray this prayer:

‘’O Lord Jesus, I invite You into my life, I believe You died for me and that Your blood pays for my sins and provides me with the gift of eternal life. By faith I receive that gift and I acknowledge You as my Lord and Saviour, Amen.

Free Gospel Tracts - Online Tracts & Printable Tracts. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US

Free Gospel Tracts is a project to make sure the Gospel/Bible Tracts is available for free distribution and in every language possible.

For further help from us, please write, call or visit

ACHETS Ministries
(Chapel Hill at ACHETS)
Triple K. Event Center, Ijede Road, 
P. O. Box 2419, Ikorodu, Lagos, +2349137527932,,

Special Invitation!

Dear Friend,

I am specially inviting you to be part of the mission to spread the banner of love in Christ Jesus in communicating the Word of God to the Nations of the world.

You can be a partner and make an impact by making a commitment of giving monthly.

Become a Monthly Kingdom Partner by calling now, 

Phone Number: +2349137527932, 08159346786, 08022052244

Thank you,

Prof. Emmanuel Kolawole

Mentoring Class

You are a disciple called to make other disciples. The more we obey what Jesus commanded, the deeper in love we become with Jesus. Join Now

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Master Class - Ministry Leadership

Earn A Certificate | Master Class In Ministry Leadership And Management.
Become A More Effective Leader In Your Ministry. 100% ONLINE AND CLASSES START MONTHLY. Enroll Now!


Reasons to be a Member of ACHETS

Dearest in Christ,

Have you ever wondered what the benefits might be of having you join the membership of a professional, Christian educational association?

Imagine being in the company of a national network of diversely skilled Professionals. You will have the opportunity to learn, grow, connect, and network.

Association for Christian Higher Education and Theological Schools - ACHETS primarily exists to offer accreditation and network & support services for Christian Educators and Christian Schools across the African continent and the world. The central purpose of ACHETS is to assist member institutions throughout Africa and the world in their quest for quality and excellence in Christian theological education programmes.

ACHETS Incorporated is a non-profit independent accreditation body dedicated to providing a professional, legal and relevant educational accrediting service to Bible Colleges, Seminaries, Christian Universities and Theological Schools in Nigeria and internationally.

So why would we suggest you to join the organization? Because it can impact your life, career and ministry experience in a hugely positive way

Take a look at the following reasons why you should join the organization.

1. Access to education and training.
2. Access to certification and licensing programmes.
3. Potential cost savings.
4. Inside access to innovations and new developments.
5. Networking opportunities.

What You Will Receive as A Member:

1. Membership ID Card & Certificate of Membership

2. Counseling

3. Members receive discounts on resources, books and manuals. 

4. Webinar participants receive valuable insight from professionals in their respective fields from the comfort of their homes or offices. 

5. Permission to use the name and ACHETS logo on publications, including websites.

Become a member today and start building connections that will boost your career and increase your profile in the field.

If you have any questions, find answers on ACHETS faq section via the following link

Warm regards

ACHETS Incorporated

Mentoring for Ministry Class

Stop Dreaming and Start Doing. Join Now

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Serve with Us

ARE YOU CALLED TO BECOME A MISSIONARY? Interested in serving with ACHETS and sharing the love of God to students and young people? Get connected and learn about ACHETS global ministry, new initiatives, events, and opportunities to serve or give. Please contact us here,,

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#ACHETSIncorporated @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Send Your Prayer Request

No matter what you're facing. You're not alone. No matter what you’re struggling with, you don’t have to go through it alone. Visit Now

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Worship with Us
Worship Center: Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Eleshin, Opp. Sky Club, Ijede Road, P. O. Box 2419, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number: +2349137527932  /  Email:   

#BiblicalUniversity #ACHETSIncorporated #ACHETSMissionaryUniversity #TheExcellentWoman

Submit a prayer request

No matter what you're facing. You're not alone. No matter what you’re struggling with, you don’t have to go through it alone. Visit Now

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Worship with Us
Worship Center: Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Eleshin, Opp. Sky Club, Ijede Road, P. O. Box 2419, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number: +2349137527932  /  Email:   

#BiblicalUniversity #ACHETSIncorporated #ACHETSMissionaryUniversity #TheExcellentWoman

Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled

Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled. For The Battle Is Not Yours but God's. Seek The Lord First! Seek Godly Counsel! Visit

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Worship with Us
Worship Center: Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Eleshin, Opp. Sky Club, Ijede Road, P. O. Box 2419, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number: +2349137527932  /  Email:   

#BiblicalUniversity #ACHETSIncorporated #ACHETSMissionaryUniversity #TheExcellentWoman

God is giving you a new rise, a new experience.

God is giving you A New Rise, A New Experience.

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Worship with Us
Worship Center: Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Eleshin, Opp. Sky Club, Ijede Road, P. O. Box 2419, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number: +2349137527932  /  Email:   

#BiblicalUniversity #ACHETSIncorporated #ACHETSMissionaryUniversity #TheExcellentWoman

Get involved in ministries

Get involved in ministries with a variety of ways to serve our world. Join Us #ACHETSMinistries

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Worship with Us
Worship Center: Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Eleshin, Opp. Sky Club, Ijede Road, P. O. Box 2419, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number: +2349137527932  /  Email:   

#BiblicalUniversity #ACHETSIncorporated #ACHETSMissionaryUniversity #TheExcellentWoman

Godly Counsel

God sometimes gives the solution to the person whom you are praying with. This is why we need to have godly friends. This is why we need to seek the Lord with others. So be open for godly counsel. Listen Now

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Worship with Us
Worship Center: Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Eleshin, Opp. Sky Club, Ijede Road, P. O. Box 2419, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number: +2349137527932  /  Email:   

#BiblicalUniversity #ACHETSIncorporated #ACHETSMissionaryUniversity #TheExcellentWoman

Free Affiliation & Honorary Doctorate Degrees

In recognition of superior academic quality, integrity and like mindedness of mission, Biblical University will award FREE Affiliation to 5 DESERVING Bible Colleges and FREE Honorary Doctorate Degrees to Bible College Owners / Founders at 2022 unique graduation ceremony in August, Lagos, Nigeria, in honor of their contributions and service to the body of Christ. Contact us to get offer +2347033128658

Terms and conditions apply

On a first come, first served. Offer closing soon!


#BiblicalUniversity #ACHETSIncorporated #ACHETSMissionaryUniversity #TheExcellentWoman #gospelvibes #gospelloop #gospelchallenge #joepraize #mercychinwo #victoriaorenze #judikay #soakingchannel #onosariyo #solomonlange #apostlejoshuaselman #apostlearomeosayi #apostlemichaelorokpo #eezeeconceptz #nathanielbassey #pdanielolawande #startnowchannel #gospelhotspot

Chapel Hill at ACHETS podcasts

Chapel Hill at ACHETS podcasts also available on Spotify, GooglePodcasts, Amazon Music, and Acast. Find Us and Listen to New Episode Every Week or Visit our website

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentorongforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Worship with Us
Worship Center: Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Eleshin, Opp. Sky Club, Ijede Road, P. O. Box 2419, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number: +2349137527932  /  Email:   

#BiblicalUniversity #ACHETSIncorporated #ACHETSMissionaryUniversity #TheExcellentWoman #gospelvibes #gospelloop #gospelchallenge #joepraize #mercychinwo #victoriaorenze #judikay #soakingchannel #onosariyo #solomonlange #apostlejoshuaselman #apostlearomeosayi #apostlemichaelorokpo #eezeeconceptz #nathanielbassey #pdanielolawande #startnowchannel #gospelhotspot


Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentorongforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Worship with Us
Worship Center: Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Eleshin, Opp. Sky Club, Ijede Road, P. O. Box 2419, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number: +2349137527932  /  Email:   

#BiblicalUniversity #ACHETSIncorporated #ACHETSMissionaryUniversity #TheExcellentWoman #gospelvibes #gospelloop #gospelchallenge #joepraize #mercychinwo #victoriaorenze #judikay #soakingchannel #onosariyo #solomonlange #apostlejoshuaselman #apostlearomeosayi #apostlemichaelorokpo #eezeeconceptz #nathanielbassey #pdanielolawande #startnowchannel #gospelhotspot

I will give you rest

The more you keep struggling the more you keep failing. Find rest in God. Listen Now

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentorongforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Worship with Us
Worship Center: Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Eleshin, Opp. Sky Club, Ijede Road, P. O. Box 2419, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number: +2349137527932  /  Email:   

#BiblicalUniversity #ACHETSIncorporated #ACHETSMissionaryUniversity #TheExcellentWoman #gospelvibes #gospelloop #gospelchallenge #joepraize #mercychinwo #victoriaorenze #judikay #soakingchannel #onosariyo #solomonlange #apostlejoshuaselman #apostlearomeosayi #apostlemichaelorokpo #eezeeconceptz #nathanielbassey #pdanielolawande #startnowchannel #gospelhotspot

What Are You Doing with God's Blessings in Your Life?

What Are You Doing with God's blessings in your life? Listen Now

Follow #LeadingIdeasandMentorongforMinistry #ProfEmmanuelKolawole #DrMrsDorcasKolawole #ACHETSMinistries @profemmanuelkolawole @dr.mrs.dorcaskolawole

Worship with Us
Worship Center: Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Eleshin, Opp. Sky Club, Ijede Road, P. O. Box 2419, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number: +2349137527932  /  Email:   

#BiblicalUniversity #ACHETSIncorporated #ACHETSMissionaryUniversity #TheExcellentWoman #gospelvibes #gospelloop #gospelchallenge #joepraize #mercychinwo #victoriaorenze #judikay #soakingchannel #onosariyo #solomonlange #apostlejoshuaselman #apostlearomeosayi #apostlemichaelorokpo #eezeeconceptz #nathanielbassey #pdanielolawande #startnowchannel #gospelhotspot

New and Fresh - Experiencing The Incredible Power of Altar. Buy Now

New and Fresh "Experiencing The Incredible Power of Altar" by Prof. Emmanuel Kolawole. Visit and click shop button to purchase


Know yourself and seek self development

Know yourself and seek self development #LeadingIdeasandMentoringforMinistry
For more information

Chapel Hill at ACHETS

Welcome to Chapel Hill Inaugural Service | This Sunday 900am - 1100am at the Triple K. Event Center, Yellow Signboard, Opp. Sky Club, Off Ijede Road, Ikorodu, Lagos #ACHETSMinistries

Do not seek revenge, hold a grudge or be bittered.

Do not seek revenge, hold a grudge or be bittered. The only way to get over a bitter heart is to actively love and serve people. Listen Now


Thoughts on Purpose Podcast

If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all. Listen Now


Leading Ideas and Mentoring for Ministry

Leading Ideas and Mentoring for Ministry


Master Class | Ministry Leadership and Management

Earn A Certificate | Master Class In Ministry Leadership And Management.
Become A More Effective Leader In Your Ministry. 100% ONLINE AND CLASSES START MONTHLY. Enroll Now!


Leading Ideas and Mentoring for Ministry

"A great opportunity to be able to communicate and share experience and knowledge" Book a Session
