Mission 200 Pastors

Mission 200 Pastors
The Annual Mission 200 Pastors Scholarship Giveaway | Scholarship recipients will receive automatic 50% off enrollment fees each academic year for all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Scholarships can be awarded for either a single or double degree covering the duration of the whole programme. Get qualifications formally recognised for both study and ministry opportunities at Biblical University. More than 55 academic majors to choose from.

✓ Pay for application
✓ No tuition fee
✓ Pay 50% enrollment fee
✓ Get annual 50% enroll. discount

Use discount code (M200P) to qualify for 50% slash from enrollment fee.

Start Date: 7th September
Deadline: 21st September

Note: after deadline, enrollment fee will be paid in full

Choose your application pathway https://apply.biblicaluniversity.org.ng

Kindly visit the URL link for scholarship offers & discounts https://scholarships.biblicaluniversity.org.ng

Visit our help and contacts today at https://contact.biblicaluniversity.org.ng


Mission 200 Pastors

Mission 200 Pastors
The Annual Mission 200 Pastors Scholarship Giveaway. We give because we have been given much. If you are interested in a whole-life education, you could be with us in one of our classes, growing in GRACE and KNOWLEDGE. 

Start Date: 7th September
Deadline: 21st September

Get qualifications formally recognised for both study and ministry opportunities at Biblical University. 

Visit our help and contacts today at https://contact.biblicaluniversity.org.ng


Need help? | Get in touch with us | Telephone numbers and addresses | Help and contacts

Need help? | Get in touch with us | Telephone numbers and addresses | Help and contacts.

All the essential numbers and contact addresses you need to get in touch with us at Biblical University

Visit our help and contacts today at https://contact.biblicaluniversity.org.ng


From the Office of the Chancellor

From the Office of the Chancellor

Happy graduating to the Class of 2024 and congratulations in advance to you all. All of your hard work and perseverance have led you to this point, and this is a huge step toward your future, and I can’t wait to see what becomes of it. I hope you’ll all come back after graduation and tell us, visit us, share your good news and many successes, and even support Biblical University.

Please connect with one another on social media and look out for one another in the future.

I have the confidence that with continued hard work, you will be able to impact others for Christ.

God designed us to move and be active, to exert energy and employ skills to produce goods for human flourishing. Genesis 2:15

A hard working person is someone who is willing to learn and always looking for new ways to grow.

Therefore, I would like to encourage you to join the membership of a professional, Christian educational association?

Imagine being in the company of a national network of diversely skilled Professionals. You will have the opportunity to learn, grow, connect, and network.

Association for Christian Higher Education and Theological Schools - ACHETS primarily exists to offer accreditation and network & support services for Christian Educators and Christian Schools across the African continent and the world. The central purpose of ACHETS is to assist member institutions throughout Africa and the world in their quest for quality and excellence in Christian theological education programmes.

ACHETS Incorporated is a non-profit independent accreditation body dedicated to providing a professional, legal and relevant educational accrediting service to Bible Colleges, Seminaries, Christian Universities and Theological Schools in Nigeria and internationally.

So why would I encourage you to join this organization? Because it can impact your life, career and ministry experience in a hugely positive way

Take a look at the following reasons why you should join this organization.

1. Access to education and training.

2. Access to certification and licensing programmes.

3. Potential cost savings.

4. Inside access to innovations and new developments.

5. Networking opportunities.

What You Will Receive as A Member:

1. Membership ID Card & Certificate of Membership

2. Counseling

3. Members receive discounts on resources, books and manuals. 

4. Webinar participants receive valuable insight from professionals in their respective fields from the comfort of their homes or offices. 

5. Permission to use the name and ACHETS logo on publications, including websites.

I am a member and you too can join!

Become a member today and start building connections that will boost your career and increase your profile in the field.

Join Now www.becomeamember.achets.com.ng

If you have any questions, find answers on ACHETS faq section via the following link www.faq.achets.com.ng

I hope you know that I am thinking of you and I am praying for you, and wish you all the best.

You are all awesome, and I look forward to seeing you on graduation day.

Catch up and follow me on my social media accounts for updates on Biblical University

1. Facebook: @ProfEmmanuelKolawole

2. Instagram: @profemmanuelkolawole

3. Twitter: @ProfEmmanuel_1

4. YouTube: Prof. Emmanuel Kolawole

Or visit

I love you all!

Happy graduating! 

Go Eagles! Go change the world! Great BUites! Be Great. Serve.


Prof. Emmanuel Kolawole
Founder and Chancellor - Biblical University
