Announcement! It's OFFICIAL! My 50th birthday party cancelled

Announcement! It's OFFICIAL!
My 50th birthday party scheduled to hold on the 5th January 2024 at the Dominion Hall, 78, MKO Abiola Way, beside Henry-Tee Motors, Ring Road, Ibadan Is hereby cancelled

Dearest in Christ,

I am writing to let you know that, in light of everything going on, my birthday is cancelled. It just doesn’t feel right to be celebrating at a time when things are tough and there are so many more pressing matters at hand.

Obviously, there's going to be a family thanksgiving prayer and little celebration.

Sincerely, I have never been someone who is really into birthday parties, and this is my first experience of planning and organizing a huge birthday party with a cool venue to celebrate God's faithfulness for being alive and fabulous.

It’s hard to make the responsible decision sometimes and I've prioritized the right thing for this tough moment. Everyday is a great day to celebrate God's faithfulness for being alive and fabulous, it doesn’t just have to happen only on birthdays.

At the moment, cancelling my 50th birthday is just the right thing to do.

I challenge you to take stock of your life during this difficult time and be grateful for everything. As a result, being grateful helps to connect you to something larger than yourself.

The biggest loss can turn to greatest gift. It’s all a matter of attitude. Sometimes loss is the key that leads you to gain.

I do hope you all understand, and that you are bouncing in the Lord, even in difficult times.

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

I love you all


Prof. Emmanuel Kolawole

Please follow @profemmanuelkolawole #profemmanuelkolawole or connect on my website